NS S&RT | AGM 2023

The Annual General Meeting of the North Stainley Sport & Recreation Trust (NSSRT) was held at North Stainley Village Hall on Wednesday 13th September 2023 at 7pm.

The Business of the meeting was:

  1. To receive reports from the Board of Trustees on the business of NS S&RT for the year 2022/23
  2. To receive the Annual Report and Accounts for NS S&RT for the year to 31st March 2023
  3. To elect Trustees to hold office until the end of the Annual General Meeting in 2024.
  4. To announce the names of those appointed as Trustees by:
    1. North Stainley Estate
    2. North Stainley with Sleningford Parish Council
    3. North Stainley Parochial Church Council
    4. North Stainley C. of E. Primary School
    5. North Stainley Cricket Club

who will hold office until the end of the Annual General Meeting in 2024:


The minutes are located here.

The minutes of the 2022 AGM are located here.

The reports are located here.


  • NS S&RT is the owner and manager of North Stainley Village Hall, the Village Hall Square Car Park, the Jubilee Garden and the Recreation Ground.
  • The Annual General Meeting was open to all parishioners of the Civil Parish of North Stainley and Sleningford. Those who are over 18 years of age were entitled to take part and vote on proceedings. Those under 18 were welcome to attend.
  • You can view the Registered Scheme here or directly from Glenys Bailey Secretary to the Trustees

Ian Hillary

Treasurer and acting Secretary of the Trustees
